Department of Nutritional Research imr EuroFIR  

Institute for Medical Research (IMR),  Department of Nutrition and Metabolism Belgrade, Serbia

EuroFIR - Partner No 44


Mirjana Gurinovic MD PhD,RPHNutr, Senior Researcher, Team Leader


Maria Glibetić, PhD Senior Researcher, Head of Department



European Food Information Resource Network –EuroFIR

Priority 5: Food Quality and  Safety

Network of Exellence  (NoE)

Project contract number – FP6-CT-2005-513944

Date of preparation of the proposal for Serbia: 08/03/2006

Call identifier – CT-NoE-513 FP6-CT-2005-513944944-EuroFIR-CALL1

Contract negotiation meeting -18-19/05/06

Date of start in project work: 01/07/2006


The IMR is a leading research institute which conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of biomedicine, basic biomedical research, postgraduate education, public health and nutrition.

The main expertise of the Department of Nutrition and Metabolism are: research in nutrition and public health, nutrition expertise, nutritional epidemiology, obesity, nutrition and NCDs, nutrition education and counselling, healthy nutrition promotion, teaching human nutrition and dietetics, B.Sc and postgraduate level.

Department of Nutrition and Metabolism is composed of food scientists, nutritional researchers, nutritionists, medical doctors, biologists, molecular biologists, chemists, pharmacists, biochemists - all active in nutrition research.


EuroFIR (European Food Information Resource Network), the world – leading European Network of Excellence on Food Composition Databank systems, is a partnership between 49 universities, research institutes and small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) from 25 European countries. EuroFIR will provide the first comprehensive pan-European food information resource, using state-of-the-art database linking, to allow effective management, updating, extending and comparability. This is an essential underpinning component of all food and health research in Europe and provides:

It will also identify and provide new information for missing data for nutrients and biologically active compounds with putative health effects, and all food groups including traditional and ethnic foods. EuroFIR is seeking views with all user and stakeholder groups, in order to establish and deliver their requirements for sustainable and durable food databank systems beyond the 5-year period of the Network of Excellence.

EuroFIR will continue to develop over the remaining three years with the help of the European Commission Grant for Integration and additional new funding from national and other sources.  To date EuroFIR has shown excellent progress towards establishing a sustainable and durable “Association of European National Food Database Compilers.” 




For the next period main activities of IMR will be in WP 1.8 and WP 3.1.


WP 1.8. Compiler Network and supporting task forces


1.         Identify the food components to be included in the databank, and define standards representations for compositional data, necessary documentation and quality criteria for their comparison and evaluation.

2.         Define standard representations for compositional data, necessary documentation and quality criteria for their comparison and evaluation.

3.         Develop prototype food classification and description support facilities on national level, and link to existing international systems.

4.         Plan, specify and implement the identification, development and deployment of existing and new resources of supporting information, assisting with content as necessary.

5.         Definition of procedures for calculation and expression of values for derived components, such as energy, vitamins, total activities both in databases and for output.

6.         Harmonization of documentation and standardization of national database in accord to EuroFIR recommendations including foods and components for deployment in EuroFIR databank.

7.         Develop, monitor and asses procedures for quality assurance and assess procedures for quality assurance of all documents, deliverables prior to release on the EuroFIR databank system.

8.         Food classification according to EuroFIR recommendations (Langual, Thesaurus)

9.         Identify nutrients to be included in the core datasets including those of increasing nutritional importance for which data is scarce or unreliable. Define sampling and analytical requirements for the later.

10.       Participate in the established national compiler network for identifying foods to be prioritized in EuroFIR.

11.       Translation and language certification of food data base in English

12.       Develop electronic version of the national food data base according to the EuroFIR recommendations.

13.       Specify composition data to be deployed as national and specialized sets, their integration as a coherent resource of food composition information, and the data retrieval facilities required.

14.       Specify, develop, deploy and support the EuroFIR databank, its software and information resources.



WP 3.1.  IMR activities in Training, education and vision to postgraduates and young scientist


1.         Promote knowledge, skills development and vision in food composition research within the network in training and education activities (workshops, seminars, conferences, training exchange programme visits)

2.         Promote EuroFIR within the Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in CEE countries as a coordinator of that network

3.         Establish the contacts with national compilers in non-EuroFIR countries in this Region, Balkans, C/E Countries in order to identify their training needs and opportunities for collaboration with EuroFIR (specific training courses, workshops, training exchange visits in collaboration with EuroFIR)

4.         Promote the EuroFIR and the importance of food composition database with dissemination of the information - presentation at international and local meetings, scientific publications.

5.         Promotion and dissemination of the information on food composition database  to all national Scientific Societies, Association of nutritionists, Research Centres, Universities, Health Centres, World Health Organization-country office, Food and Agricultural Organization-country office and Food Industry, Consumers Association.


Long term goals-Future directions

•          Forming a regional centre for Balkan and CEE Countries for research, collaboration, and dissemination EuroFIR knowledge.

•          Participation in FP7 future initiatives.







Food Database
Nutrition Planning
Department of Nutritional Research
Serbian FCDB team
Nutrition Database



